HELO,,, UH THIS BOOK IS MORE LIKE A OSC SHIP THINGY BECAUSE IM KINDA BORED OF JUST DOING ANIMACLOCK AND THATS IT SOOOOO YA :D object shows I'll do: ITFT (Its time for the) (IM NOT DOING SMUT OF IT) LOTS (Love of the s*n) AB (Animatic battle) (IM NOT DOING SMUT OF IT) BFDI/BFB/BFDIA/TPOT (Battle for dream island, battle for bfb, battle for dream island again, the power of two) CFMOT (uhhh i dunno russian :(() GAF (Galaxy Attack Fights) II (Inanimate Insanity) ONE what i'll do: Fluff 💗 angst 🍁 Silly shit 💪 (and others that don't involve racism/r0pe/etc) ⭐️ things i won't do: smutt (SORRAWY IM NOT GUD AT WRITTING THINGS LIEK THAT) racism (like wth 😭) r0pe homophobia/transphobia bodyshamming (things like that) could take requests! :D HAVE FUN READING! :D (DRAWING ON THE BOOK COVER IS NOT MINE!)All Rights Reserved