In the mystical land of Aetheria, magical factions wield unique powers that shape the world's balance. At the heart of this world lies Tempest Academy, a prestigious institution where the most gifted students are trained to harness their abilities and fulfil their roles in a society where magic dictates one's place and purpose.
Factions and Powers -
Shadowcasters: Masters of manipulating shadows and darkness. Their abilities allow them to create solid constructs from shadows, cloak themselves or others in darkness, and traverse through shadows. These powers make them experts in covert operations and aggressive strategies, used for stealth, intimidation, and tactical advantages.
Lumivates: Experts in light and illumination. They reveal hidden truths, create illusions, and manipulate light to achieve clarity and insight. Their abilities are diplomatic and enlightening, crucial for mediation, vision enhancement, and uncovering deception.
Arbormancers: Controllers of plant life. They accelerate plant growth, manipulate vines, and communicate with flora. They are vital for maintaining environmental balance, supporting agriculture, and fostering natural harmony.
Tempest Wielders: Commanders of weather and atmospheric phenomena. They manipulate natural elements associated with storms and climate, including summoning tempests, controlling lightning, and shaping weather patterns. Their powers are dynamic and versatile, and they are used for environmental influence and strategic combat.
A retelling of the Hades and Persephone myth, a story of fate, the struggle for power, and love found in the most unexpected places.
Persephone has been raised in Olympus all her life - her mother absent, her father a cruel king, with her siblings teaching her all they know. She has seen all of what the gods and goddesses do and she is sick of it. When she learns her safety is threatened by staying in Olympus, she flees to the Underworld. There she stays until she learns that her leaving has caused the world to wilt. But leaving behind her newfound friends and Lady of the Underworld is something she will not do willingly, no matter the consequences.
[[word count: 150,000-200,000 words]]
Cover designed by Regina Dionela
Content Warning: Mentions of rape and incest