Seventeen-year-old Daniel Shanks, a tech-savvy, introspective high school student from the Scottish Highlands, is unexpectedly recruited by the Scottish Intelligence Service. His life is turned upside down after two muscular men inject him with a mind control solution, but he is saved by an antidote. When Daniel regains consciousness, he meets Apollo, the head of the agency, and Mrs. Evelyn Blackwood, his second-in-command. They reveal that the service has been recruiting young people for a covert mission, Operation Shadow Seed.
Shocked, Daniel learns that his mother, who died when he was ten, was actually an undercover agent and was murdered by crime boss Franco Aubert. This revelation causes Daniel to question his family's past and his own future. Mrs. Blackwood, who knew his mother, assures him that the agency believes he has the potential to follow in her footsteps. Though Daniel is reluctant and overwhelmed by the risks.
Upon returning home, Daniel is left with more questions, particularly about whether his father knows the truth about his mother's secret life, leaving him uncertain and in need of answers.
The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive (Male Reader Insert)
84 parts Ongoing
84 parts
Y/N L/N was always a believer in the impossible, but he never suspected he would become the impossible. When a fateful lightning strike gives Y/N the power to move at super fast speeds, he must learn to step up as a hero against similarly affected people, ones whose agendas pose a threat to the world. Finding a team to call family, Y/N learns the power of speed, responsibility, teamwork, and love. He is the fastest man alive. He is the Flash.
The Flash and other properties are under the ownership of DC and Warner Bros. I did not intend on using this story for revenue or monetary gain. All rights reserved to their original owners.