Lee Felix is a charming and brilliant college student whose discovery of a mysterious power awakens a darker, more manipulative side within him. Armed with a dangerous new ability that allows him to control life and death, Felix embarks on a mission to reshape the world according to his twisted sense of justice. As he carefully constructs a perfect facade to hide his true intentions, he encounters Hwang Hyunjin, an enigmatic and unconventional detective who sees through Felix's mask.Hyunjin, is a genius investigator with a peculiar yet captivating demeanor, determined to uncover the truth behind the string of mysterious deaths of famous criminals. As their paths cross, a tense game of villain and hero unfolds, but beneath the surface, there's an undeniable, electrifying attraction between them. Felix is drawn to Hyunjin's brilliance and tenacity, while Hyunjin finds himself fascinated by Felix's darkness. Their intellectual rivalry becomes a complex dance of manipulation, deception, and unspoken desire, where every move in their deadly game brings them closer to each other-and closer to destruction.
This is inspired by the Anime Death Note.
"so... uh... do you want to tell me something about yourself?"
"no, not really."
nursing school student hwang hyunjin is assigned to be the nurse of lee felix, who's been dealing with heart disease for a few years now.
as the pair become closer, felix's health begins to deteriorate.