Miles Tails "Nine" Prower resides in New York City. With a genius mind and an observant personality, he was born as a twin tailed fox treated as an outcast, even by his own parents: Amadeus and Rosemary Prower. Bullied and abused, he often thought he had no purpose.
His life ended when the Chaos Council attacked and his former acquaintance, Rusty Rose, assassinated him on the first attack.
Sonic the Hedgehog wasn't really interested in love. Especially after many failed attempts back at the time when he was interested in it. He had his own fair share of trauma, and the reasons could go on and on.
For one, he and his species, the Mobians, were considered an anomaly.
For two, he was the only Mobian in the human city he was born in.
For three, he had unusual speed, making him an outcast when he tried to communicate with other normal, non-talking hedgehogs.
Basically infinite reasons why he was bullied.
Thanks to the rapid decrease of mobians, he and others built a village on an isolated island away from the human states, known as Bygone Island.
Ash died in the battle with Team Flare, but his friends aren't ready to let him go yet. He is granted seven days as a ghost on Earth and must use them to help his friends move on before he can go into the afterlife. Sounds simple enough, except for the fact that only a certain frog-ninja Pokemon can see him.