Aura's Tale is about a young girl named Aura Auryn who lives in her world full of Mages, Sages, and regular Humans. She is from a small island called Silver and lived in the only village called SilverStone but now lives on another island called Summer after her village was attacked and burned downed on her sister's birthday, killing everyone in the village including her parents and brutally wounding her sister with an Enchanted Weapon. A few years after her sister dies, she moves to Summer with her friend Sam Sander who met them in the forest when their village was destroyed on that tragic night. When reaching Summer, she finds scary monsters, makes new friends, visits Training/Magical Academies, and fights against one of the strongest Sages and her annoying subordinates. Do you think Aura and her friends will win against someone who is all powerful? Read more to find out. This story is inspired by a few genres. Undertale RWBY Touhou and even a little bit of Minecraft. For any readers, I am very new to writing so please bare with me.
6 parts