In the heart of Seoul, seven brothers with the surname Kim navigate the complexities of life, love, and family. Eldest brother Seokjin, the nurturing mother figure, leads his siblings with warmth and wisdom, while Yoongi, the cold but caring CEO, stands as a protective pillar. Hoseok, the sunshine professor, and Namjoon, the strict but loving principal, bring balance and discipline. The youngest trio-Jimin, the kind-hearted intern, Taehyung, the strict yet compassionate doctor-in-training, and Jungkook, the innocent and shy student-each play a crucial role in this close-knit family.
But when Jungkook becomes the target of relentless bullying, the brothers must rally together, uncovering secrets and fighting to protect their youngest. Through pain, fear, and the threat of losing everything, the Kims find strength in their unbreakable bond. This story of love, resilience, and justice shows that no matter what challenges arise, family always comes first.
Fresh out of college with a Psychology Degree and she's working at a bar in the middle of Seoul. Yeah her life is great. Little does she know it's about to get a whole lot worse.
Her bestfriend, Jungkook is part of a gang and she has no idea, but when she hears and sees something she shouldn't have, he has no choice but to protect her. Will Namjoon let this happen? Will he protect her until the situation can be handled? Or will he let her into his home and into his heart?
"Namjoon you have to help her!"
"And why should I?"
"Because that's my family! My bestfriend! If someone finds out that she actually heard and saw that go down, they'll kill her!"