Welcome to the world of Mianite!
Specifically, the land of Ruxomar, and the ruins of the city of Dagrun
Not much has been happening lately, Not after the taint was regulated, and Ianite showed up. Steve is away, but besides waiting for news, the four heroes haven't much to do.
That changes when the four that went away so long ago return, with four other heroes in tow. Things become hectic as they try to figure out who is who, how long they've been gone, and what happened.
These 8 newcomers blend right back in, almost too well. Some begin to fall for others, and relationships are made, broken, and strengthened. But when two more Gods appear, one once invisible, one once dead, friends and lovers turn on one another. So, which God do you worship?
Choose Wisely
Fanart cover credit to the friggin amazing Tumblr use claireayaka srsly go check her out her art skills are unreal
It was just a normal day for Tom Syndicate at the school of Mianite. Him and his friends were hanging out during passing period, when a new, shy kid shows up. His name is Jordan Sparklez.
Tom soon becomes very close friends with Jordan, and soon develops feelings for him. Feelings that Tom is too scared and nervous to tell anyone. He ends up falling for Jordan.
What happens when Tom works up the nerve to tell Jordan?
im too lazy to edit rn. i need an editor