Hello to the dears of someone's life.
Today's narration is a story inspired by Musk Deer, known to be the essential component for Musk Fragrance.
I know it is obvious by its name.
"Musk is obtained from the musk pod, a preputial gland in a pouch, or sac, under the skin of the abdomen of the male musk deer. Fresh musk is semiliquid but dries to a grainy powder. It is usually prepared for perfumes by making a tincture in pure alcohol."
- Britannica.
There are many ways to extract similar fragrances, if not by killing the musk deer, like from a cat with a musk civet, numerous plants emitting similar fragrances, and artificial substances with similar odours.
But, I'm not here to talk about Musk Deer or how their fragrance is extracted.
I'm here to present my poem. It's a narrative poetry about a deer couple discovering a fragrance and chasing to find it first for their partner.
Will they be able to find it anywhere?
Who will first discover, the truth about their lives?