In the depths of Hell, where power games and ancient grudges define existence, Lucifer Morningstar finds himself in an unexpected routine-cooking breakfast, rebuilding his daughter's hotel, and dealing with a particularly troublesome guest: Alastor, the Radio Demon. Between bouts of sarcastic banter, simmering rage, and the occasional murderous shadow, these two powerful beings test the limits of each other's patience-and their own restraint. As the rebuilt Hazbin Hotel nears completion, the question looms: will this uneasy alliance lead to mutual understanding, or will it end in disaster?
Alastor and Lucifer have been forced to work together by Charlie, Lucifer's daughter, to run the hotel in her absence while she and Vaggie go on a well earned vacation after the attack from Heaven. Can Alastor and Lucifer get along, and keep the hotel afloat? Or will Charlie return to a pile of rubble!
Cover by Pie_cut_eyes on Twitter~!