"Musings under the moon" is a collection of my poetries revolving around the topics- Love, Onesided love, Self Love, Friendship breakups etc.
It includes-
How does it feel to love someone, how it feels being a one sided lover when the other person has no clue, and how you are in your own world, creating fantasies & building castles of imagination.
How it feels to be vulnerable in love, when you know you can't express your feelings to the other person, in the fear of rejection, and you are not ready for it yet. You don't want your beautiful life to end which you have created, but deep down you have this deep urge to express, so now the only option left is to write those emotions down on a fresh piece of paper...if that makes any sense.
Its not about perfection, these are raw emotions, some of these poetries are written when she was 20, which her older self now still appreciates.
We all grow at our own pace, and love or feelings has no vocabulary or grammar, these are just feelings and only one can relate when one actually experiences them.
Hope you guys love it and shower some love❤️
Stay Tuned!
Most of this is sad, any TW will be at the start of them
I'm a 17 y/o just wanting to share some of my poetry with people other than my friends :]
(Also feel free to comment any tips and how I could improve on my writing!)