In the neon-lit streets of Seoul, Hana, a recent college graduate, lands a seemingly irresistible job as a personal assistant. Little does she know, her new role will plunge her into the dangerous and seductive world of the BTS syndicate, a powerful gang led by seven enigmatic and dangerously attractive men: Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook. As Hana navigates her duties, she finds herself irresistibly drawn to each of the leaders, each offering a unique blend of charm, danger, and passion. Namjoon's intelligence and authority, Seokjin's protective nature, Yoongi's mysterious intensity, Hoseok's playful loyalty, Jimin's seductive charisma, Taehyung's fiery unpredictability, and Jungkook's youthful vigor create a whirlwind of emotions that Hana cannot escape. Caught in a web of lust, romance, and peril, Hana's heart becomes a battlefield, torn between the seven men who vie for her affection. As tensions rise within the syndicate and rival gangs threaten their power, Hana's indecision risks igniting a gang war that could tear them all apart. When Hana is kidnapped by a rival gang, the BTS leaders must put aside their differences and unite to rescue her, showcasing their deep and unwavering love. The dramatic rescue mission cements their bond, and Hana realizes that her heart belongs to all seven men. Faced with the impossible choice, she proposes an unconventional solution: to love and be loved by all of them. As they navigate the complexities of their unique relationships, the BTS syndicate becomes stronger and more cohesive. Together, they confront their enemies and solidify their power, forging new alliances and redefining the boundaries of love and loyalty. This thrilling romance filled with intense emotions, dangerous encounters, and passionate love that defies convention. In a world where danger lurks around every corner, Hana and the BTS leaders discover that true connection can lead to extraordinary and unbreakable bonds.All Rights Reserved
1 part