Am I Still Dreaming follows the journey of a girl whose life changes forever when a mysterious cloaked man from her dreams begins chasing her. While trying to escape, she accidentally enters another world and finds herself in a magical school where students are trained to master their powers. Here, she learns about two types of power holders: Infernal, who can only control their specific magic, and Celestials, a rare group capable of shaping their magic in limitless ways.
Celestials possess both primary powers, the full force of their abilities, and auxiliary powers, which are equally strong secondary abilities. Believed to be a Celestial with the power of Pisces, the Dream Weaver, she joins The Celestials, a legendary group protecting the realm. As she trains, her true identity slowly comes to light. It is revealed that her power is not Pisces but the rare and mysterious power of Ophiuchus, an extraordinary force she cannot fully understand.
Before this revelation, she learns of a forgotten past with a prince from another royal family, though her memories of him remain unclear. She also discovers that she is the rightful queen of a cursed kingdom, left in ruins after her parents-its former rulers-died in a war years ago. With this revelation, her journey takes an unexpected turn, leading her to uncover secrets about herself, her past, and her ultimate destiny.