• Reads 27
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  • Parts 10
  • Time 50m
  • Reads 27
  • Votes 0
  • Parts 10
  • Time 50m
Ongoing, First published Aug 23
The story centers on a prince from the Dog Star, who embarks on a humorous and tumultuous journey of exploration on Earth. Despite his royal status, he frequently encounters misunderstandings and comical moments in his interactions with humans. Newly arrived on Earth, he feels utterly perplexed and self-deprecating when faced with the complexities of human emotions and customs.

In his repeated attempts to understand the surrounding human society, the prince observes everything with innocent eyes, beginning to mimic human ways of life. Whether it's trying to grasp utensils with his paws or using gear-driven toys to make friends, these humorous efforts lead to a series of chance encounters that turn him into a "local celebrity" among the neighbors.

Throughout his adventures, the prince is filled with a longing and anticipation for love. He is astonished by the complexity and depth of human emotions as he interacts with a kind-hearted girl, an enthusiastic elder, and mischievous children, gradually realizing the true essence of emotional connections between people.

As time passes, the prince continually adapts his way of life, striving to integrate into the human world, all while retaining the innocence and purity from his home planet. He reflects on his failures, learns from his comedic experiences, and ultimately finds his place on Earth. His humor and sincerity gradually win over the hearts of those around him, allowing him to experience the preciousness of understanding and emotional connection across species.

Yet, despite finding friends and a sense of belonging on Earth, the prince's ultimate goal remains to find his way home. In this warm and humorous journey, he explores the meaning of his identity while quietly yearning for that long-lost sense of belonging. It is a tale filled with warmth and laughter, showcasing the power of love and the wonders of cross-boundary communication.
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