Title: SHE Travelled Author: AestherauthWrites04 Genre: Fantasy/Romance Status: On-Going The novel tells about the story of being able to travel to a world parallel to Earth. Hezekiah Elisze Truno was an ordinary teenage girl, house and school just became Hezekiah's routine. But it began to change one day when she finds a bracelet made of a gold, there are letters carved in the bracelet that she picked up. She tried to read it but it was very complicated, as she tried to read those words her sight began to darken, her eyelids begin to feel heavy as she gradually lost consciousness. When she opened her eyes, what meets her is that tall buildings, robots, floating cars, trains etc., there was also a protection-like or shield that separates the outside. Outside of this shield was dark and gloomy, silence was prevailed, but monsters lurks everywhere ready to take lives. Human was able to survive solely because of their research on technology that was nemesis to these monsters, but as time goes monsters was also able to evolve. Everything was new to her, this is not the world she was accustomed to. This is not the Earth, she travels to a world parallels to Earth. Being an ordinary girl that was travelled into a world that was unfamiliar to her, Hezekiah was afraid but she can't do anything she didn't know how to go back to her hometown, all she can do is to braced herself to this new world. The world she was in, was a world where monsters are rampant. Chaos was everywhere, one wrong move and you will see death itself. For this new world how can an ordinary teenage girl survive? Come and join Hezekiah as she travelled and uncover the mystery that was wrapped in this world, where she can find friendship, family and love.