Why pick a side?
This is a story about a y/n who isn't on a side, she simply minds her business and gets the dough. She is woman not to be trifiled with, and if you do. She won't hesitate to kill you, this makes most people terrified but makes some intrigued.
Watch as Y/N minds her business while the Hero's and Villain's fight over her. This story is for women but if your a man and you want to read this, who can stop you? Go right ahead and be welcomed to the lavish life of Y/N.
This story will have violent scenes, smut, and curses. If you can't handle it, go ahead and leave.
Plotline: Y/N is Informatic and is scouted by both the heros and the villains. Once that she is working with both they start to fight more viciously. While they are fighting Y/N works on keeping both her millon dollar businesses afloat. The Black Hole, The Hero's Guild, and The Power Pogram.