The Weight of Perseverance" is a moral tale set against a scenic mountain backdrop. It follows five students who are guided by their wise master on a journey to a distant and beautiful place. Each student is asked to carry a large, heavy log, with the freedom to choose whether to do so.As the journey progresses, the weight of the logs takes a toll on the students. Some grow weary and decide to cut their logs in half, making them lighter to carry. One student, however, chooses to persevere, continuing to carry his log despite the challenges.When they finally reach a river that stands between them and their destination, the purpose of the logs becomes clear. The student who carried the full log uses it as a bridge to cross the river easily and reach the other side. The other four students, with their shorter logs, find themselves unable to bridge the gap and are left behind, filled with regret.This story emphasizes the importance of perseverance, the dangers of taking shortcuts, and the value of trusting in wise guidance, showing how determination and responsibility can lead to lasting success and happiness.