This vast universe serves as a fertile ground for the creation of stories filled with power, betrayal, and heroism, where every decision made by its characters can unleash profound and lasting consequences. At the heart of the continent of Elaris lie five distinct human kingdoms: Dantelion, Valac, Bereth, Alloces, and Naberius. Each of these kingdoms has its own cultures, traditions, and ambitions, contributing to a complex and multifaceted landscape.
Beyond these, there is a sixth kingdom, shrouded in mystery, inhabited by the Mythar people. This population, composed of various magical and unique races, has lived in a state of peace and harmony for over 500 years, serving as a model of peaceful coexistence. However, this long era of tranquility is about to be challenged, as a new conflict looms, threatening to destabilize the peace that permeates the entire continent.
With the emergence of this conflict, intrigues spread like wildfire, as alliances are formed and broken in the blink of an eye. Betrayals become commonplace, and a climate of distrust hangs over the kingdoms. The scene grows even darker with the presence of magic, a powerful and subtle force that can alter the course of history and the fate of entire kingdoms. Thus, the continent of Elaris stands on the brink of an abyss, where the struggle for power and the quest for justice intertwine in a web of events that promise to leave an indelible mark on the history of all its inhabitants.