During the night, a series of murders hits the city, terrorizing everyone. Malia Baker, determined to help her father in the search for the criminal, faces not only the fear of death, but also the challenge of dealing with her biology teacher, Kylie Cantrall, who seems to have a particular dislike for her.
Kylie, in turn, hides deep secrets and carries a thirst for revenge against the policeman who killed her father two years ago. Her main target, paradoxically, is Malia, her student who irritates her with delays and distractions. Over three years, Kylie observes Malia and sees in her something that should remain hidden: a forbidden interest that threatens her emotional stability.
Between the search for justice and the fight against an unexpected desire, Malia and Kylie face an internal battle to preserve sanity or succumb to temptation.
This story is an adaptation, all rights to @lyn_mora_wtpd who is the original author, the translation is by @Whynametakenn (aka me) 😌👍
#2 on Chloe {10/27/24} 🥈
#2 in riseofred {10/30/24} 🥈
#1 on Red {11/5/24} 🥇