In a world where humans live alongside mystical beings known as Therians-humans with the ability to transform into animals-an uneasy peace has reigned for centuries. The Therians, divided by their animal clans, live in secret, hidden from the human world to avoid persecution. However, as a new generation of Therians begins to emerge with powers far surpassing their predecessors, tensions rise. These young Therians, struggling to control their abilities, inadvertently expose their existence to the human world, sparking fear and distrust among the human population. The story follows a group of these young Therians as they navigate their newfound powers, the growing hostility from humans, and the age-old rivalries between the animal clans.
At the heart of the story is a young Therian named Kael, who discovers that he is not only a powerful shapeshifter but also the prophesied unifier of the clans. With his ability to transform into any animal, Kael is seen as both a threat and a beacon of hope by the different clans. As he struggles to master his abilities, Kael finds himself caught between his loyalty to his fellow Therians and the growing pressure from humans who seek to control or destroy them. Alongside him are a diverse group of friends, each from a different clan, who must put aside their differences to survive in a world that increasingly sees them as enemies.
As tensions escalate, Kael and his friends embark on a perilous journey to find the legendary Sanctuary, a place said to be a safe haven for all Therians. Along the way, they face dangerous foes, both human and Therian, who seek to stop them. Kael must learn to embrace his destiny and unite the clans before a war erupts that could destroy both the human and Therian worlds. The story explores themes of identity, unity, and the struggle for peace in a world divided by fear and prejudice.
As the sunset gifted by the Dream Weaver extended itself upon the five territories of the wolves, the pulse of the earth was easily felt as if a giant heart was beating in the deep rock of the cliffs on the Indian Ocean's coastline, stretching upon miles and arriving at the center of the small island thriving beside the border of America.
The strong orange light brushed the fur of the creatures known as the wolves, who haunted the mountains with the crying howls of sorrow. Those of them asked to guard the border quickly scanned the perimiter of their huge amount of land with great efficiency, as their large amber brown eyes were able to see large patches of forest and mountain extending along their home. The expanding rumours are becoming threatening...
The humans would try and attack the wolves ruthlessly, destroying anything in their path- biggest meadow to smallest toadstool. All the wolves could do is hope that they would not spill as much blood as other packs have in the past, creating chaos between their trinity: the Lhight, the Spirits and the Dream Weaver. They couldn't let that happen again... who has the guts to venture out and find out what the humans are planning?
Join Thunder, as he embarks on the quest to seek out how the humans have been obliterating nature so effortlessly. On the way, he will discover many events happen: raging wars, fallen cities, and a great lot more... but can one wolfdog that has only recently become a pack member, make it through the challenges that lay ahead?