('Light will soon bring boundless glory and prosperity to the Firenze Empire, while darkness will swallow the light and ultimately lead the Empire to destruction!')
false predictions created by humans even though
the original predictions created by gods were not like that
(a girl born with black hair will become a true light who will soon bring unlimited glory and prosperity to the Empire)
God's first oracle after 100 years.
Princess Ashtarte, with memories of her sad past life,
has been reincarnated.
she tries to become a person loved by his own family, unlike what happened to him in his previous life.
but in the end became the only beloved child of the gods
"The human world is not that beautiful, child,"
said Hades god of underworld
No matter how hard he tried,
all she received were cold stares and words.
When she realizes that no matter what she does,
her reaction will not change,
she begins to think his love is meaningless.
But when did they start looking after him with pleading eyes?
"Ashtarte. It's unfortunate, but it's impossible for everyone to love you." said Persephone the goddess of spring, life and innocence
'Yes, in the end, the prophecy was changed by humans which made you hated by them,' said Poseidon the god of sea
But her heart, which was slowly sinking into darkness, melted like snow when she heard Hermes' the messenger of god words
"That means you also don't have to love everyone. because they deserve to be punished"
Evolet Deandra harus meninggal di usia mudanya karena menyelamatkan sang adik dari sang penculik. bukannya malah masuk surga dan hidup damai di sana, gadis itu masuk ke dalam novel yang pernah dia robek dan bakar karena alurnya seperti kebanyakan novel. bahkan lebih sialnya lagi, Evolet bertransmigrasi ke tubuh baby sitter yang merawat adik male lead yang di abaikan oleh keluarganya.
bahasa baku dan non baku.
jangan lupa vote dan coment ya teman-teman karena itu gratis.
di larang plagiat.
cerita ini murni dari imajinasi ku saja.
typo bertebaran dimana-mana.