Star Crossed in Another World
13 parts Ongoing The story follows Hiroshi Suzuki, a severely obese and depressed 22-year-old Japanese man, who has struggled with feelings of loneliness, rejection, and worthlessness his entire life. After attempting suicide, Hiroshi makes a deal with the Devil, Lucien, in exchange for a new life that he believes will finally bring him the happiness and love he craves. However, as Hiroshi navigates his new life, he begins to realize that the price he paid may have been too high. While there is a glimmer of hope for Hiroshi's new life, with newfound friends, a family, and a sense of purpose, there are also mysterious elements that surround his new life, including the influence of the supernatural and the potential consequences of making a deal with the Devil.
To see some illustrations from the chapters, follow me on Instagram at @UnFunnyAlag