Reese, an ordinary girl living a quiet life with her mother, suddenly finds herself thrust into a dangerous new world when her mother marries a powerful mafia boss. Overnight, she gains seven ruthless stepbrothers, each with dark secrets and a life steeped in crime. As Reese uncovers the truth behind her new family, she must grapple with the shocking reality of their world. Can she accept these strangers as family? Will they forge a sibling bond, or will the tension between them turn into a bitter rivalry, leading to a deadly clash of wills?
Only sibling relationship!
Started: September 4, 2024
Ended: ongoing
Kim Y/n is about to see her whole life flash before her eyes as she gets to know about the untold truth of her past and her father's death along with dealing with the struggle to maintain the unwanted bond with her stepbrothers. And when both sides get to know about the others real identities will they able to accept one another? Or will it bring tragedy to the already broken hearts of the eight people? Read THE STEPBROTHERS by REDAM to find out...
Previous highest ranking:
#1 stepbrotherxstepsister