Melancholy Refrains tells the story of Lucian Arcturus, who finds comfort in a special digital connection during a lonely time. In 2022, while dealing with online classes and the pandemic, Lucian is drawn to Varelia-a voice that seems to fill the emptiness in his life.
Their chats start with a casual "Hiiii" and grow into something deeper, but the distance between them keeps them apart. Lucian becomes attached to Varelia's voice, holding onto the hope that their bond might become something more.
As time goes by, Varelia's promise to return fades, and Lucian is left waiting, lost in the silence of her absence. Melancholy Refrains explores the sadness of being forgotten and the quiet pain of waiting for someone who might never come back. It's a story of longing, loss, and the lingering hope that someone will come back and make everything feel right again.