This is inspiried by the anime Wistoria: Wand and Sword Ryūji Ryōichi is the son of a esteemed noble family known for their powerful summoning and Dark Magic, The 2nd Eldest Son of the Ryōichi Family but to their dismay and disgust he was born with the inability to use magic but as replacements he excells in everything else, he was deemed the strongest, fastest, most durable and smartest of the Ryōichi even tho he was the "failure" of the Ryōichi's at the age of 6 Ryū had already mastered the ways of the Dagger's and H2H Combat tho it never impressed his family to them he was still a useless failure of the family, At the age of 12 he had mastered the arts of the Glaive and at the age of 14 the Art of the Bow, when he reached the age of 16 he'd enroll in the same magic school as his best friend in hopes to achieve his dream of being accepted by society and showing even without magic he can still be just as powerful as them. Will he do it well just wait to find out