Hey Robbie is a nostalgic coming-of-age drama that follows Patrick, a quiet fifth-grader, as he navigates a new school year and forms an unexpected bond with Robbie, an older yet much smaller boy in his class who exudes confidence despite his differences. Robbie, with his easygoing nature and mysterious freedom to move around the school, chooses Patrick as his companion for his daily trips to the clinic, where he takes medicine for an unspecified condition. As the school year progresses, Robbie helps Patrick open up, teaching him about friendship and enjoying life's small moments.
But after an ordinary summer day, Patrick learns that Robbie has passed away, and the weight of this loss only truly hits him as he enters middle school. The story reflects on the impact of brief yet meaningful connections and the way they can linger in our memories, shaping us in unexpected ways. Even years later, Patrick finds solace in remembering Robbie, his unique friend who taught him to embrace life, even during difficult times.