Oscar, a boy living in a world where people are randomly sent to terrifying 'realms', finds himself waking up in front of a schoolhouse. To his surprise, the world he finds himself in is peaceful. The residents consist of students like him and teachers, who all have a daily schedule set up. Oscar is welcomed with open arms into the school, thankful that he wasn't sent to a harmful place.
However, his new friend Sophie has doubts about the school. The area around the school starts blurring when anyone gets too close, and only graduates are allowed to pass. It's seen as an honor, but Sophie suspects something else may be going on...
Werewolves and vampires don't mix, or that's what Kieran Callisto, a seventeen-year-old vampire, has believed all his life - until he falls for the Alpha's son.
When Kieran meets his new classmate, Mason Kane, he bristles with an unexplainable disdain. Soon it becomes apparent why: Mason is a werewolf. But when a fight turns into a sudden kiss that neither expects, Kieran's feelings for Mason turn to attraction in an instant. None of it makes sense - vampires and werewolves are supposed to be mortal enemies, so why does Kieran find Mason so irresistible? He knows that each kiss is dangerous, each bite is unpredictable...