In 1944, as Tom Riddle starts his last year at Hogwarts, the dark era of Gellert Grindelwald ends with his defeat by Dumbledore. As Grindelwald's followers either scatter or get caught, the Dolohov family, one of the wealthiest in Eastern Europe, comes under fire. They're accused of funding some of Grindelwald's worst deeds. However, Arkadiy Dolohov, the head of the family, manages to strike a deal. In exchange for their freedom, they agree to fund the rebuilding of the Ministry of Magic, Durmstrang, and other places damaged during the war. Additionally, as part of their punishment, the Dolohovs must also take in and care for a Muggle-born girl whose family was killed by Grindelwald's allies. This arrangement, designed by the Siberian Ministry of Magic, proves to be a more severe punishment than any financial burden. Faced with this new reality, the Dolohov family moves to England, hoping to find anonymity and a fresh start away from the judgmental eyes of their home country.