"This Call is Coming From Inside the House" is a chilling tale of a young woman, Sarah, who inherits a sprawling Victorian mansion from her reclusive grandmother. Haunted by a series of unsettling phone calls, Sarah finds herself trapped in a house that seems to be alive, with a sinister presence lurking in the shadows. As she delves into her grandmother's past, uncovering hidden photographs and forgotten belongings, Sarah realizes the house's secrets are intertwined with her own family history, and the chilling truth about her grandmother's fate may hold the key to escaping the house's deadly grip.
Eira Engel may have the looks of a goddess, a brilliant mind, and an unnatural soul of pure innocence. All but a man that truly loves her. After a crazy fight happened during family dinner, a blizzard came wiping out all the lights and electricity in the town. All the work of the ancient Christmas demon himself, Krampus. Bringing his trusted elves and frightening toys with him. To not only enjoy the thrill of torturing their victims but to retrieve their queen that they waited for a long time.
"Krampus will stop at nothing until he gets what is his."