Raiven Cassidy Morille, a renowned investigative journalist, had built her career on exposing the hidden corruption of powerful figures-especially politicians. Her articles, sharp and unflinching, had laid bare the dark truths lurking behind their polished façades. She had no illusions about the risks. In fact, she embraced them, driven by a fierce commitment to the truth, even if it meant putting her life on the line.
Tonight, it seemed those risks had finally caught up to her. She lifted her eyes to meet the cold, calculating gaze of her captor-a man whose loyalty was clearly to power and wealth rather than any sense of morality. The bitterness of her smirk reflect her disgust. People like him, who sold their principles for influence, made her skin crawl. But even in the face of imminent death, she stood resolute. She had done what was right, and watching these criminals rot behind bars would be her ultimate triumph-if only she lived to see it.
Her breaths slowed, and Raiven felt the crushing weight of impending doom as she prepared to meet her end. But just as she braced for the final blow, a sudden volley of gunfire broke through the night air. Muffled groans echoed around her as the men who held her captive fell one by one.
With her vision swimming in and out of focus, she squinted toward a distant figure, barely able to make out the silhouette of someone approaching. The world was spinning, and she could feel her strength draining rapidly.
"Captain, the coast is clear," a voice called out, crisp and commanding.
Those were the last words Raiven heard before darkness swallowed her whole, pulling her into unconsciousness. But as her mind slipped away, one word lingered, echoing in her fading thoughts:
Whoever this "Captain" was, he/she had saved her. And when she awoke, Raiven knew that she would find out exactly who had come to her rescue.
"Attract a lot of attention, huh beautiful?" His voice hit me like a wall, absurdly catching me off guard. It was deep, sensual, something any girl (or boy) could melt over. I was sort of speechless, yet trying my best to appear unafflicted.
"Only the wrong ones." That was definitely drunken me talking, as I didn't usually have that much confidence. His lips twitched up into a smirk, expressing that he understood my comment.
"Does that mean that I'm in that category?"
My palms began to grow sweaty and my heart rate picked up, but otherwise my body remained relaxed, appearing completely fine. It similar to when you're on autopilot, completely withdrawn due to intoxication.
"I suppose not," I crossed my arms, putting on this seductive persona just for him. This fueled his smirk, about to murmur another comment before I cut him off. "You'll have to show me, though."
Amelia Hollis was a 23-year-old writer at one of the local publishing companies, assisting a very handsome man and writing articles left and right. Her and her best friend, Aviary, lived together in a cute little apartment off the central part of the city, yearning to create new memories and important moments. Amelia always lived for the moments, taking in every little detail and savoring it like it was her favorite meal. She was an optimist, hoping to change peoples lives with her dreams.
James Vallette was a 34-year-old CEO, building his company from dirt with the help of his brother. He was a realist, not really having time to deal with dreams or even love. He knew this the night he laid eyes on Amelia.
It was only casual; what harm could a one-night stand do? Oh yeah, he's her dad's boss.