The captivating saga follows the journey of the Chou heirs, who navigate their lives amidst a dysfunctional family while sharing an unbreakable bond. Within the family, some have lost sight of the true meaning of love, while others are willing to go to any length for it. Meanwhile, a few remain unaware of what love truly entails.
"There is no Jeong with Ji. No Ji without Dub. No Dub without Chaeng."
"No Chaeng without Tzu."
"What about love? Don't you think you'll fall in love someday?"
"I gave up on that a long time ago. Now, the only love I have is for those I consider family."
"Keep your loved ones close and conquer the world."
"I trusted you. But now your words mean NOTHING TO ME. Because your actions spoke the truth."
"It was a mysterious tale. Where did it begin, and where did it conclude? What kind of paths were these? He couldn't understand, nor could she."
"Your beauty is killing me."
"Then why are you still alive? Die."
"One of the best feelings in the world is when you hug someone you love and they hug you back even tighter."
"Love is not what makes you mine. Love is what won't allow you to become someone else's."
"Love is weakest when there is more doubt than trust."
"But love is strongest when we learn to trust despite the doubts."
"Anger or love. I should be the one to show it to you more than anyone else."
"I believe you should fall in love with a person who enjoys your madness, not an idiot who forces you to be normal."
"I can't live without you, and I can't die without him."
"True love is when, even in absence, that person's name remains etched in your heart at every moment."