No one ever listens, to Abigor.
Generally, you should probably listen to the demon that literally guards you solely because you own him. Buuuut, sometimes, ya don't.
And then shit gets weird, and it's slightly alarming but also... intrusively enticing.
Enter Nor, the doubtless and care free witch who can't control her habits and has a terrible problem with accidently bringing back the dead... and often falling in love with them. Until, you know... they eventually die again.
Pretty bad hobby really, already, not looking too great there for Nor. But at the same time, Wolf was different. She didn't even know who he was. He was from her head... right?
Then, enter one Mr. Wolfgang Shanks.
However, it appears that in some sort of experiment or mathematic equation gone, well. Clearly, that most certainly went very wrong... he certainly was not a 450+ year old man anymore. Apparently, certainly somehow, Nor found a way to break the divide. Remember. Remember everything.
But so much time had passed and the young man standing in front of her, was not the Wolfgang that she was forced to forget.
Now, he was the man that her soul was telling her meant a lot more to her than she recalled. A LOT, more.
Welcome to a land of smut. It's dark, twisted, and NOT FOR MINORS... you know who you are.... so. You've been warned.
Abandon all hope ye who enter here...
نشا في شوارع وحيد بين الطراقات لا ام تحن عليه و لاب يخاف عليه و لاعائله ك باقي الاطفال مختلف بكثير من النواحي عن من بعمره صامت اوه و كم أن الصمت له دور كبير بحياته يسمعهم و يسمع همساتهم لكن هل يستطيع الرد عليهم لا كان الصمت يجعله هادئ
سكن مع عائله أبيه على أنه خادم اي بستماي و يعمل اعمل كهذه كي يبقى بمكان يؤيه في المنزل الكبير جديه و أعمامه
أما أبيه فهو سيعود إلى منزل عائلته بعد سنين و سيكون هذا اول لقاء له مع أبيه الذي سمع عنه و رآه فقط من خلف شاشه التلفاز
لنرى لقائهما و كيف سيكون