In the enchanting world of Elvenkind, nineteen-year-old Eloise Fraier, is more than just a college sophomore at Lionheart Academy. She's an undercover agent for the Royal Family's Organization, a secretive force tasked with protecting the realm from hidden threats. Trained from her teenage years by her grandfather, a legendary figure in the organization and brother to the King, Eloise has never known a life of simplicity. Burdened with responsibilities that set her apart from her peers, she is no stranger to danger or secrecy.
For one blissful year, she thought she could enjoy a normal college life without the constant reminder of the organization. Maybe even find a boyfriend in the process. But when a dangerous mole is rumored to be within the academy, Eloise is pulled back into the world of covert operations. Her mission: find the traitor before the balance of power shifts, and the realm falls into chaos.
To her dismay, she is paired with Austin Bates, a childhood friend who also happens to be the organization's rising star. Handsome, brilliant, and a master of martial arts, Austin is everything Eloise dislikes. Despite their shared history, Eloise's fondness for him has transformed into a tension that makes the idea of pretending to be his girlfriend seem unbearable.
They navigate their mission undercover as a couple. The Dark Ones, a shadowy faction, are plotting to upend the peace the Elven realms have known for centuries. With danger lurking in every corner, and secrets from their pasts unraveling, Eloise and Austin must decide if they can trust each other-not just to complete the mission, but to confront the emotions simmering between them.
Will this fake relationship bring Eloise closer to Austin? The fate of the Elven world and their hearts may depend on the answer. Eloise wields the rare power to control nature, giving her an unparalleled connection to the world that no one else can understand. Or so she thought.