26 parts Complete Aman Mehta and Kaia Gupta have been inseparable since childhood, their lives intertwined amidst the colorful streets of Bikaner, Rajasthan. Aman, a promising young cricketer, finds solace in Kaia's Kakery-a cozy haven where her baking talents weave magic into every treat. Their days are filled with banter, shared dreams, and the unspoken depths of their bond.
As Aman's cricketing career propels him towards fame, and Kaia's bakery becomes a beloved fixture in their community, their friendship evolves in ways neither expected. Beneath the surface of their platonic closeness, emotions simmer-a gentle tug of longing that both fear to acknowledge.
Join Aman and Kaia on a journey through the bustling streets of Bikaner, where their story unfolds amidst samosas, cricket matches, and the sweet aroma of freshly baked goods. Discover how their childhood friendship blossoms into something deeper, navigating the delicate dance of best friends turned lovers in the vibrant tapestry of Rajasthan's timeless embrace.