(WARNING RATED PG-13 DOES CONTAIN SLIGHT SWEARS AND SOME BLOOD AT SOME POINTS VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED) One day while the two brothers (Twinight and Chario) were walking back home after somewhat of a long day of high school (at their final grade of the year) they encountered some figures that caught their interest and eyes on, the skylanders and the portal. Full of confusion and curiosity about the skylanders being in earth earlier then they thought, they bought the skylanders back home and after some strange stuff like the figures talking to the two boys, Twinight and Chario placed the figures on a portal and thanks to that, the skylanders were able to return to Skylands by the tv, but now before the portal acted itself and sucked the two brothers into the portal into Skylands, now they must become portal masters and help the Skylanders save skylands from kaos! Will they be able to defeat him?! Will they find a way home?! Find out in this new adventure based off the hit game series, Skylanders! (Cover art and chapter art all by chariosquad) **Disclaimer: I do not own Skylanders all I own is my avatar and Chario owns his, all rights reserved to the respective owners**All Rights Reserved