In the shadowy underworld of Tokyo, where power and danger intertwine, Megumi's life takes a dark turn when he's saved by Sukuna, a ruthless and enigmatic crime lord/businessman with a dangerous obsession. What begins as an innocent encounter at a bar quickly spirals into a twisted game of possession and desire. As Megumi is drawn deeper into Sukuna's world-a world of opulence, control, and hidden cruelty-he finds himself trapped in a web of lust and power he can't escape... or so he thought?? Their chemistry, undeniable, and the stakes are deadly. In this world, nothing is as it seems, and giving in to temptation could cost Megumi more than just his heart.
Story started on: 31/08/2024
Story finished on:
Book status: Ongoing
This story will contain smut and heated moments throughout the book, but the romance will be a slow burn. There will also be a lot of fluff and soft moments.
⚠️Will contain smut, possession, domination/submissive, some gore/violence, assault, etc⚠️
Important Authors Note: I do not own the rights to the characters displayed in this story, or to the manga or anime "Jujutsu Kaisen". This is just a fun fan-fiction and is not canon. All rights to the respective owners/creators.