I sit on my bed, desperate for a distraction. I'm losing him again, I've lost him four times now, when he left me alone, never contacting me (his girlfriend at the time) or never calling me- what I would have done for a simple text, a good morning, or a
"HEY HRU?" I would have even settled for a letter, even a pigeon would do!
2.) was when he yelled at me, "Adelaide, I'm not scared about me! Why do you always feel like you have to protect me, and protect everybody? I found a family in you guys, and Harumi and we can fuckin' handle ourselves, but you don't seem to get shit, do you!"
It had felt like I was alone again. Nobody had talked about it with me around, and I didn't talk about it period.
3.) Not even 2 hours later, he comes in and tells me about why he did all this. I understood, but I had a right to be mad- but for some reason I didn't even think about getting mad. We were okay, but more and more distant as Harumi got closer. Even thinking about that bitch made me let out a angry huff and I cross my arms tightly around my torso, in a makeshift self-hug.
and now, 4.) when I am going to die. I feel the urge to yell "I TOLD YOU SO!" about Harumi, in any other situation, I would have. But nothing's funny when you are about to be sacrificed. Especially, when you hate the girl who's killing you.
the thing is, I never got to say goodbye- they all think I left on my own accord because I didn't like Harumi, and I'll never see them again.
What started as an innocent romance, spiralled into the end of Ninjago and to my inevitable slaughter. I only hope that the ninja figure out that Harumi kinda sucks, and get here in time to save my ass.
"Who's there," I can't breath. I'm always looking over my shoulder ever since- I can't think about the now. I have to run but where, back to Jake? No I can't, everything is different now. He's supposed to be here to protect me, because if the got me... blood smears the pages of the passed. "Sapphire!" I hear him call. "Coal!" I reach out to touch him only for him to be yanked just out of my reach. I hear the wolves in the distance howling at the beautiful moon. I need his touch again. I need to know I'm safe. The only safe place anymore is pressed against him under the sheets. "Coal!" I call out again. ---I can hear her. She's here somewhere I know it. I can smell her sent threw the thick of the woods. "Sapphire!" I call out, but my call is lost in the night. I have to protect her. I have to save one, just one. Maybe that will be enough to clean the blood off my tainted skin. What if they get her? She'll... Change... I look up at the moon, could she not have heard my howls? Of course she did. She always did. I can hear the other wolves in the forest. Soon I too would be engulfed by the beast. Unable to control myself, unable to predict the beasts next move. Only she could tame the beast inside me. Why be afraid of the monster under the bed when you should be afraid of the one lying next to you under the sheets.--- I keep quiet in the deep dark night. Watching her waiting for her to come back to me. I wait for him to slip up just long enough for me to swoop in and take her. It's only a matter of time. I wait for him to turn into that hideous beast. The beast that only comes out in the light of the moon. The beast that feeds of the insentient. I have to find her,to make her perfect, at least that's what they tell me. They tell me she'll be perfect and she will be mine. She will be the beginning of a new ere the ere of the beast. Everyone has secrets. Everyone lies. Everyone cries. Everyone dies.
2 view points, Coal and Sapphire. Mature! All rights reserved! Thank you!