This is a Merome short story based off the lovely TaxeyCab's drawing "C R U S H"! It was such a wonderful drawing and it had no story to go with it, so I figured I would write one for her :)
- I did not draw the cover, like I said, the cover is a drawing called "C R U S H", and it was drawn by TaxeyCab, the only thing I did to it was crop it X3.
- This is a short story, not A BOOK of short stories, after I've published this, there will be no continuation.
-Just keep in mind that I, the fabulous author, have nothing against people who are gay, lesbian, bi, or transgender people :3
Notes to Lauren (TaxeyCab ;3):
- Thank you for giving me permission to write this! It does mean a lot :D!
- If you want me to take this down at anytime, I will without hesitation :)
- If you want to use this in the feels war against Swift, go right ahead, that's what the original drawing was for anyways for, right? I'll try to make it as sad as my despair filled mind can make it ;)
Ok I think that's it, thank you I guess, if you read the notes, and another HUGE thanks to Lauren for letting me write this :)