In the heart of a bustling city, where ambition and dreams intertwine, lives a man whose voice is his art. Jeon Jungkook, a mute painter, has spent his life mastering the language of colors and brushstrokes, conveying emotions that words could never capture. Each canvas he creates speaks volumes-of love, pain, hope, and longing. Despite his silence, he is far from unnoticed, for he owns a prestigious art museum where his masterpieces draw admirers from around the world. It is his sanctuary, a place where his soul finds expression.
Kim Taehyung, is his stark contrast-a fierce, brilliant lawyer who has never lost a case in her two years of practice. Her words are her weapons, sharp and precise, and her reputation in the courtroom is unmatched. She's known for her unyielding determination, her ability to outmaneuver any opponent, and her unwavering commitment to justice. Her life is structured, driven by logic and law, until she crosses paths with the silent artist.
As their worlds collide, she finds herself drawn to the depth of his unspoken words, and he is captivated by the fire in her eyes. In the silent echoes of his art and the powerful cadence of her words, they discover a connection that transcends the barriers of language and law, proving that love speaks in many forms-some louder than words, and others, as quiet as a brush against canvas.
Story line is mine. DO NOT COPY!! ⚠️