In the forest along the Carpathian Mountains, the lethal HYDRA operative known as the Arctic Assassin honed her icy powers under the control of the sinister organization. As the Arctic Assassin, Lena Kovalev carried out clandestine missions across the globe, leaving a trail of frozen bodies and shattered lives in her wake. But as the years passed, she grew disillusioned with HYDRA's twisted ideology and the blood on her own hands. Under the cover of a blizzard, Lena made her daring escape from a heavily guarded HYDRA facility. She froze the security cameras and slipped out unnoticed, leaving behind a trail of frozen guards and shattered ice. As Lena scaled the facility's icy walls, she encountered an unexpected figure - the Winter Soldier, silently eliminating HYDRA operatives from the shadows. Their eyes met, and a silent understanding passed between them: two deadly assassins, bound by shared pain and a desire for freedom. What will happen when these two individuals are taken in by the Avengers and are reunited? ---winter soldier x oc Disclaimers: This story is not set in an accurate timeline! All translations done by google.. so I apologize for any inaccuracies :\ I do no own any of the MCU charactersAll Rights Reserved