To the boys who make fun of me for being 5'9" To the adults who always comment on my height Yes , i know i'm tall Then after that here comes all the normal questions and puns : How taller are you? How's the weather up there . Do you play basketball? Do you run track ? Then as the good girl i am i must answer each and every single one of these stupid questions Once more just to be asked by another person 20 min. later Really is this what my life has come to to be subjected to answer these pointless question Don't get me wrong i mean there are perks to being tall and as soon as i figure those out i will let you know but as of now i am so utterly dissapointed Not to mention the whole dating situation I mean really guys I know you hit growth spurts late but do something about the height you don't know how freaking hard it is for girl past 5'6" or 5'7" to find a boyfriend on top of all of this you are expected to where those really pretty dress you know the ones that look like crop tops on you but on any other girl the would look cute a girly sadly you are banished to the maxi dresses and going to 10 different store to find 1 pair of freak shoe BUT THATS OK BECAUSE YOUR TALL SO NEXT TIME YOU CHOOSE TO MAKE FUN OF ME FOR MY HEIGHT KEEP THESE IN MIND .All Rights Reserved