What if there was a world where Barry never became the Flash? How different would it be?
Disclaimer: I don't own the Flash or any of its characters. I only own my OCs, like Jericho Sky and Joshua Starrynight, AKA Starlight.
** "Cisco, look at me! Look around you! We're all monsters now! Wells made us all monsters, Cisco!" Barry Allen yelled.
"I didn't want this, either. I didn't have a choice in the matter, Barry!" Cisco retorted. "None of us did! None of us knew what Wells was planning!"
"You could have fought back!" Barry yelled angrily.
"We were forced to do whatever he told us too, Barry. He killed Ronnie to make a point, and anyone who defied him was either killed or made into a monster," Cisco replied.
"Cisco's right, Barry," Jericho said, his three-headed dog self limping from the shadows.
"That may be, but I'm still mad!" Barry replied.
Cisco trotted back to the dark depths of the cell.
"We still should have fought back...way sooner than we did," he murmured.
Caitlin, an ice dragon now, gently laid a paw on Cisco's shoulder.
"We knew what would happen if we disobeyed," she comforted.
Just then, Cisco fell to the floor.
"Wells... He's coming," he groaned, pain coursing through his veins.
A few minutes later, Wells was standing outside of the cell.
"I need your help, Ramon," he said.
"Why would I ever help you?" Cisco growled.
"Because if you don't, your brother," Wells snapped his fingers, "Will be gone in a snap." **