In the bustling city of Birmingham, Alex lives a structured life with his loving girlfriend, Emily. Their relationship, built on warmth and shared routines, seems idyllic. However, when Alex impulsively buys a mysterious ring from a pawn shop, his life takes a dark, supernatural turn. After proposing to Emily, she tragically dies in a series of horrifying accidents, only for Alex to find himself rewinding time each time he pleads for it. As Alex struggles to understand his newfound ability, he discovers that the ring is cursed by Kali, the God of Time and Destruction, who finds amusement in watching Alex suffer. Desperate to save Emily from an endless cycle of death, Alex must convince her to give up the ring and break the curse. In the end, after a harrowing confrontation, Alex and Emily reclaim their future, living out the life they had always dreamed of, together, safe from the curse that nearly destroyed them.All Rights Reserved
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