In the dark and mysterious town of Mortem's Hollow, Aleda, a curious and enigmatic young woman, meets Atticus, a mysterious stranger with a captivating presence. Drawn to each other, they share many nights together, forming a deep bond. However, Atticus hides a dark secret: he is a vampire, cursed to live in the shadows and feed on human blood. Fearing that Aleda will see him as the monster he believes himself to be, Atticus struggles with his feelings for her and the impossibility of their love. One night, burdened by his secret, he disappears without explanation. Aleda is left heartbroken and searching for answers, but when she learns from a mysterious old woman that he is lost to the darkness forever, she is devastated. Realizing she may never see Atticus again, Aleda is left alone with her memories and the haunting ache of unfulfilled love.