In the small, enigmatic town of Riverdale, Veronica Lodge's sister, Victoria, steps into the spotlight. With her own mix of charm and mystery, Victoria navigates the complexities of high school life, family expectations, and a budding romance with the brooding and unconventional Jughead Jones. As secrets unravel and tensions rise, Victoria finds herself torn between loyalty to her family and her deepening connection with Jughead. "Lodged in Love" is a tale of forbidden romance, family drama, and the quest for identity in a town where nothing is as it seems.
After Betty Cooper meets the son of her mothers boyfriend, Jughead Jones, she can't stop thinking about him. Even the mysterious loner Jughead finds interest in the perfect girl next door, who would become his step sister soon.
They start dating, but they're forced to keep their intense relationship a secret, so their parents won't find out.
Everything changes, when Alice and FP announce their upcoming wedding, which would lead to FP and Jughead moving in with Alice and Betty.
Will this affect Bettys and Jugheads relationship?
Will Alice and FP eventually find out about everything?