In a world divided by three magical kingdoms-Lyridia, Sylvaria, and Lumiria-each ruled by unique powers and complex hierarchies, Princess Amara Seraphina of Lyridia is an outcast. Struggling with her kingdom's illusions and manipulation magic, Amara is tormented by her younger sister Stella and the cruel nobility who deem her a failure. Desperate to escape her painful reality, she flees, crossing into the forbidden lands of Sylvaria, a kingdom feared for its dangerous ruler, King Maddox. Amara's escape, however, is thwarted when she's captured by the enigmatic Lord Jasper of Lumiria and presented to King Maddox as his pet. Maddox is ruthless and unpredictable, harboring a dark curse that grants him monstrous powers under the full moon-a curse that was cast by his own mother. Jasper, his cunning and charming consort, is more than he seems, possessing a deep connection to Maddox that is both carnal and magical. As Amara finds herself entangled in their world, a magnetic tension grows between the three. Maddox is suspicious of her origins and determined to uncover her secrets. With Jasper at his side, they explore the mysterious connection they all share. Together, they must navigate a web of power, prophecy, and forbidden desire. Maddox's darker nature and Jasper's unpredictable loyalty pull Amara deeper into a dangerous dance of trust, manipulation, and awakening attraction.