Min Yoongi and Aera Choi's story unfolds in a world of danger and deception, where power and fear rule. Yoongi, the infamous Mafia King, commands respect and fear with his cold, calculating demeanor. He is a man shaped by the brutal realities of the underworld, where every decision can be a matter of life and death. His tall, imposing figure, sharp features, and icy eyes strike terror into the hearts of those who cross his path. Known for his merciless decisions and icy calm, he is a master of control, never letting his emotions betray his thoughts. His loyalty is unwavering, and he would go to any lengths to protect those under his care, but betrayal is met with swift and unforgiving wrath.
Aera Choi, or Aera Min, is a woman of dual identities.
Despite their marriage, Yoongi and Aera started as enemies, each unaware of the other's true nature. Yoongi's initial disdain for Aera stems from his perception of her as someone unworthy of fear. Yet, as he begins to unravel the layers of her identity, he finds himself both intrigued and wary of the woman who may be his greatest equal-and his greatest threat. The question of why others fear her, where she is going, the lines between love and rivalry blur in their dangerous dance of power."
Jeon Jungkook is a cold and dangerous mafia leader in Seoul. His brother Yoongi, is the CEO of an entertainement company while his brother Jin, works as a model. Taehyung their cousin, works as the right hand man of Jungkook in the mafia business. Their lives will change when they will meet Y/N, the granddaughter of Mrs Kim, the owner of the noodle restaurant, Jungkook's favorite restaurant.