Alaia, a kind and intelligent student at Hogwarts, finds herself unexpectedly paired with Draco Malfoy for a year-long Potions project. Initially wary of his cold demeanor and reputation, Alaia slowly begins to see a different side of Draco as they spend more time together. Beneath his guarded exterior, she discovers a boy burdened by his family's expectations and a desire to prove himself. As the months pass, they grow closer, sharing secrets and stolen moments in the library and late-night walks by the Black Lake. Alaia starts to believe that Draco might not be as bad as everyone thinks, and against all odds, she finds herself falling in love with him. However, their budding romance takes a dark turn when Draco becomes a Death Eater, pressured by his family and the looming threat of Voldemort. Alaia is heartbroken as she watches Draco drift away, consumed by the darkness he has been pulled into. Will Alaia leave him or stand by his side as he falls into this life?