After defeating the Demon King and enjoying a brief period of peace, Satou Kazuma find Himself mysteriously transported to a strange new place: Chaldea, the Organization for the Preservation of Human Order. Here, he meet Fujimaru Ritsuka, a young Master tasked with saving humanity from incineration. With little choice, Kazuma join forces with Fujimaru and the servants of Chaldea. Together, they embark on a new adventure, using their unique abilities and wit to navigate this unfamiliar world and face powerful foes, all in a bid to prevent humanity's extinction and discover the reason behind their sudden arrival in Chaldea. "Fucking Gacha...." "Don't worry Kazuma-Senpai, there is always next time!" "Can you repeat the early part Mashu-chan." "Don't worry Kazuma-senpai?" "Later." "Kazuma-senpai." "......." A grin form~
6 parts