In a city of hidden dangers and hidden lives, Jennie Kim leads a double existence. By day, she balances a series of demanding jobs to care for her ailing mother and manage their precarious finances. By night, she becomes Shadow Viper, a formidable assassin whose covert operations demand absolute secrecy. Jennie's complex life is carefully concealed from her cousin Jisoo and her best friend Irene Bae. Jisoo, eager to support Jennie, is unaware of her cousin's nocturnal activities. Irene, the CEO of a major Baetokki Company, remains in the dark about Jennie's shadowy second life.
Meanwhile, Rose, Jisoo's fiancé and a celebrated singer, hides her own dark secret. By night, she transforms into Raven Rose, a ruthless assassin whose operations intersect with Jennie's. Rose's clandestine meetings with Jennie are crucial for their shared missions, adding tension and danger to their lives.
Lisa, a lone survivor of a tragic car crash, struggles with her own demons. After losing her parents, she lives alone, juggling daytime job searches with her night-time role as a serial killer. Her path intertwines with Seulgi, a dancer by day and Lisa's informant by night. Seulgi's assistance is vital, offering both information and companionship.
The beginning is very action packed but it slowly buds into a romance ❤️
Converted Story/VERY loosely based off a movie:
Ji-Sook is a gang dealer and mafia lord. She runs illegal businesses and is the most elusive criminal in the world. She's notorious for sleeping with girls and getting whatever she wants because she's cunning and devious.
Jennie is a police officer who was assigned a case to capture Ji-Sook. Except no one realizes that the case isn't just business but a personal one.
Her superior brings in a look alike of Ji-sook named Jisoo and trains her to become the feared mafia leader, in hopes of finding a greater villain.
But everything fails when the superior tragically dies, and he was the only person who knows Jisoo's true identity.
Will Jennie be able to piece everything together before things go wrong? Will she be able to tell truth from lie? What is her revenge for?
And will love somehow make it's way through?
⚠️ Triggers: Deaths